diff --git a/hosts/desktop/i3/layout.sh b/hosts/desktop/i3/layout.sh index 31173fc..6507f64 100644 --- a/hosts/desktop/i3/layout.sh +++ b/hosts/desktop/i3/layout.sh @@ -1,10 +1,24 @@ +# Exit layout script if Firefox or Discord is open, +# i3 has been reloaded +pgrep firefox || pgrep Discord && exit 0 + +# Switch to workspace 1 i3-msg workspace 1 +# Start up Firefox in the background firefox & +# Give Firefox some time to start up +sleep 1 +# Switch to workspace 2, load layout, and open blank space i3-msg "workspace 2; append_layout @tree@; open" +# Move blank space to appropriate space, +# i3 layout files don't support blank space for i in {1..4}; do i3-msg move left done -discord +# Start up Discord in the background +discord & +# Open YouTube for music firefox --new-window https://youtube.com +# Go back to primary workspace i3-msg workspace 1 diff --git a/hosts/desktop/i3/tree.json b/hosts/desktop/i3/tree.json index c88ea20..0215807 100644 --- a/hosts/desktop/i3/tree.json +++ b/hosts/desktop/i3/tree.json @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "swallows": [{ "class": "^firefox$" }], "type": "con" }, + { + "swallows": [{ "title": "Discord Updater" }], + "type": "con" + }, { "swallows": [{ "class": "^discord$" }], "type": "con"