{ config, pkgs, user, ... }: { imports = [ ../vim.nix ../wallpaper.nix ../picom.nix ../i3.nix ../polybar ../rofi ../git.nix ../terminal.nix ]; programs.home-manager.enable = true; gtk = { enable = true; iconTheme = { name = "Nordic"; package = pkgs.nordic; }; theme = { name = "Nordic"; package = pkgs.nordic; }; gtk3.extraConfig = { # Remove minimize, maximize, and close buttons gtk-decoration-layout = "appmenu:none"; }; }; home = { username = "${user}"; homeDirectory = "/home/${user}"; stateVersion = "22.05"; packages = with pkgs; [ # Command line utilities wget neofetch ranger trash-cli # aliased to rm in .bashrc # GUI applications firefox discord gnome.nautilus ]; file = { ".bashrc" = { source = ../.bashrc; }; }; sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "vim"; }; }; }