{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let theme = import ../theme; in with theme.colors; { # Dependencies home.packages = with pkgs; [ (pkgs.callPackage ./aozora.nix { }) (pkgs.callPackage ./polybar-now-playing.nix { }) lm_sensors ]; services.polybar = { enable = true; script = "polybar &"; package = pkgs.polybar.override { alsaSupport = true; }; config = { "bar/top" = { tray-position = "right"; font-0 = "Noto Sans Mono;2"; font-1 = "M+ 2p;2"; background = "${bg0}"; foreground = "${fg0}"; width = "100%"; height = "24pt"; line-size = "3pt"; padding-right = 1; module-margin = 1; separator = "|"; separator-foreground = "${disabled}"; cursor-click = "pointer"; cursor-scroll = "ns-resize"; modules-left = [ "xworkspaces" "xwindow" "now-playing" ]; modules-right = [ "aozora" "filesystem" "pulseaudio" "memory" "cpu" "cputemp" "battery" "date" ]; }; "module/xworkspaces" = { type = "internal/xworkspaces"; label-active-background = "${bg1}"; label-active-underline = "${primary}"; label-active-padding-right = 1; label-occupied-padding-right = 1; label-urgent-background = "${alert}"; label-urgent-padding-right = 1; label-empty-foreground = "${disabled}"; label-empty-padding-right = 1; }; "module/xwindow" = { type = "internal/xwindow"; label-maxlen = 32; }; "module/now-playing" = { type = "custom/script"; tail = true; format = "