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{ ... }:
services.picom = {
enable = true;
settings = {
backend = "glx"; # Fixes black backdrop on some rounded corners
corner-radius = 12;
round-borders = 1;
blur = {
method = "gaussian";
size = 8;
deviation = 2;
# deviation = 0.84089642;
#blur-method = "kernel";
#blur-kern = "7,7,0.000003,0.000102,0.000849,0.001723,0.000849,0.000102,0.000003,0.000102,0.003494,0.029143,0.059106,0.029143,0.003494,0.000102,0.000849,0.029143,0.243117,0.493069,0.243117,0.029143,0.000849,0.001723,0.059106,0.493069,0.493069,0.059106,0.001723,0.000849,0.029143,0.243117,0.493069,0.243117,0.029143,0.000849,0.000102,0.003494,0.029143,0.059106,0.029143,0.003494,0.000102,0.000003,0.000102,0.000849,0.001723,0.000849,0.000102,0.000003";
# Ignore polybar
rounded-corners-exclude = [
"window_type = 'dock'"
"window_type = 'desktop'"
opacity-rule = [