@ -4,14 +4,25 @@ WHITESPACE = _{ " " }
// characters are anything but newlines
char = { !NEWLINE ~ ANY }
// token definition
// http://pest.rs/book/grammars/syntax.html#atomic
inner = @{ char* }
token = { string | keyword }
// has to be atomic for no implicit separate (spaces)
keyword = @{ (!(WHITESPACE | NEWLINE) ~ ANY)+ }
// strings cannot contain quotes
// TODO: escaped quotes
string_data = @{ (!"\"" ~ ANY)* }
string = ${ "\"" ~ string_data ~ "\"" }
// comments are a # followed by
// any number of non-newline characters
COMMENT = _{ "#" ~ char* }
// statements are comprised of at least one character
statement = { char+ }
// lines are comprised of a statement
line = { statement }
line = { token+ }
file = { SOI ~ (line ~ ("\r\n" | "\n")*)* ~ "\n"* ~ EOI }
file = { SOI ~ line ~ (NEWLINE+ ~ line)* ~ NEWLINE* ~ EOI }