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2 years ago
2 years ago
# rofi-checklist
2 years ago
A minimalist checklist menu for [rofi](/davatorium/rofi) (and also [dmenu](https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/)).
2 years ago
## Installation
Make sure you have [Nerd Fonts](https://www.nerdfonts.com/) installed for the icons to work.
2 years ago
### Arch Linux
rofi-checklist is available on the AUR, [rofi-checklist-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rofi-checklist-git).
If you have the AUR helper [yay](/Jguer/yay) installed, you can easily install rofi-checklist on your system using the following command:
2 years ago
yay -S rofi-checklist-git
[rofi](/davatorium/rofi) is a prequisite, and will be installed if it is not already.
2 years ago
This is my first package on the AUR, so my apologies if I've made any mistakes packaging it!
### Other Linux distros
Ensure rofi is installed, then clone this repository,
git clone https://github.com/ElnuDev/rofi-checklist.git
and copy [rofi-checklist.sh](rofi-checklist.sh) to `/usr/local/bin/rofi-checklist`.
Alternatively you can curl/wget the file straight to `/usr/local/bin/rofi-checklist` and add the executable flag manually.
2 years ago
## Usage
- `rofi-checklist`: Run rofi-checklist in automatic menu mode. Will use either rofi or dmenu depending on which is installed, preferring rofi.
- `rofi-checklist rofi`: Run rofi-checklist in rofi mode. Will use rofi, and error even if dmenu is installed.
- `rofi-checklist dmenu`: Run rofi-checklist in dmenu mode. Will use dmenu, and error even if rofi is installed.
2 years ago
rofi-checklist is best when mapped to a keybinding. Simply create a keybind that calls `rofi-checklist`.
For example, in i3, you can map it `Alt`+`T` (**T** for **T**asks) by adding `bindsym Mod1+T exec rofi-checklist` to your `~/.config/i3/config` file.
2 years ago
rofi-checklist is very simple to use. Once launched, it shows a list of tasks. If you press enter on an incomplete task, it is marked as complete. Selecting it again removes it from the list.
2 years ago
There are two actions at the top of the list, one for clearing all tasks and one for clearing only completed tasks. To add a new task, simply type a task name that doesn't exist yet and press enter.
2 years ago
2 years ago
rofi-checklist stores the checklist in `~/.rofi-checklist` as a markdown-compliant format, such as the following:
2 years ago
- [x] Consume the blood of my enemies
- [x] Drink coffee
- [ ] Go to bed
This allows the checklist file to be used within other markdown editors. For example, you can make a symbolic link from `~/.rofi-checklist` to somewhere in your [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) vault — allowing a nice integration into your knowledge management software.
## Configuration
To configure rofi-checklist, create `~/.config/rofi-checklist.conf`. For example, the following changes the checklist file path and makes the checkboxes square instead of circular:
Ability to switch between checklist files within rofi-checklist itself will be coming soon.