function commentForm(parent) { return `
`; } function commentDisplay(comment, replies) { return `
${typeof replies === "string" ? `` : ""}${ ? : "Anonymous"} commented ${moment(new Date(comment.timestamp * 1000)).fromNow()}:
${typeof replies === "string" ? `
${replies ? replies : ""}
` : ""}
`; } document.getElementById("soudan").innerHTML = `

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No comments yet! Be the first to make one.

"; } else { comments.forEach(comment => { if (comment.replies) { let replies = ""; comment.replies.forEach(reply => { replies += commentDisplay(reply); }); html += commentDisplay(comment, replies); } else { html += commentDisplay(comment, ""); } }); } commentContainer.innerHTML = html; if (jump && window.location.hash) { const target = document.getElementById(window.location.hash.substring(1)); if (target) { window.scrollTo(0, target.offsetTop); target.classList.add("soudan-highlighted"); } } }); } function reply(id) { const replies = document.getElementById(id).querySelector(".soudan-replies"); replies.innerHTML = `


${commentForm(id)}${replies.innerHTML}`; } reloadComments(true);