PDF page number and header annotator using LaTeX

Updated 11 months ago

A proxy of the Tatoeba API with no CORS restrictions.

Updated 12 months ago

jichan.org organization Go project monorepo

Updated 12 months ago

jichan.org organization Rust project monorepo

Updated 12 months ago

An API for fetching images of a query, sourced from Microsoft Bing.

Updated 12 months ago

Markdown Furigana to HTML

Updated 1 year ago

Rust library for access to the JMdict

Updated 1 year ago

An empty Go project configured to use direnv and shell.nix.

Updated 1 year ago

A Rust-based visual novel backend compatible with Ren'Py .rpy script files.

Updated 1 year ago

Shiritori word game for the Tegaki Tuesday website.

Updated 1 year ago

jichan.org is a collection of interactive online Japanese learning resources

Updated 1 year ago

My blog.

Updated 1 year ago

A Rust-based comment server using SQLite and an intuitive REST API.

Updated 1 year ago

Hugo theme for my blog.

Updated 1 year ago

CS2 Project

Updated 1 year ago

A simple Node.js mailer for handling things like contact forms.

Updated 1 year ago

A minimal blog theme for Hugo using Sakura.

Updated 1 year ago

A minimalist checklist menu for rofi (and also dmenu)

Updated 1 year ago

A Nicola oyayubishifuto Japanese keyboard training site

Updated 1 year ago

My homepage.

Updated 1 year ago