mod commands; mod utils; use std::env; type Error = Box; type Context<'a> = poise::Context<'a, Data, Error>; // type PrefixContext<'a> = poise::PrefixContext<'a, Data, Error>; // User data, which is stored and accessible in all command invocations pub struct Data {} use commands::{challenge::*, kanji::*, meta::*, owner::*}; use poise::serenity_prelude as serenity; use poise::serenity_prelude::model::gateway::GatewayIntents; #[poise::command(prefix_command)] async fn register(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { poise::builtins::register_application_commands_buttons(ctx).await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // This will load the environment variables located at `./.env`, relative to // the CWD. See `./.env.example` for an example on how to structure this. dotenv::dotenv().expect("Failed to load .env file"); // Initialize the logger to use environment variables. // // In this case, a good default is setting the environment variable // `RUST_LOG` to `debug`. let framework = poise::Framework::builder() .options(poise::FrameworkOptions { commands: vec![ register(), // owner sleep(), setsubmissionchannel(), setsuggestionchannel(), setannouncementrole(), announce(), announcechallenge(), // challenge challenge(), submit(), images(), imagedelete(), suggest(), // meta help(), // kanji i(), joyo(), jinmeiyo(), kyoiku(), jlpt(), hyogai(), so(), ], prefix_options: poise::PrefixFrameworkOptions { prefix: Some(env::var("PREFIX").expect("Expected a prefix in the environment")), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() }) .token(std::env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN").expect("Expected a token in the environment")) .intents( GatewayIntents::GUILD_MESSAGES | GatewayIntents::DIRECT_MESSAGES | GatewayIntents::MESSAGE_CONTENT | GatewayIntents::GUILDS, ) .setup(move |_ctx, _ready, _framework| Box::pin(async move { Ok(Data {}) }));; }