Format challenge #89

Elnu 1 year ago
parent 407becbb6d
commit c5e2b01da6

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
- - - pos: phrase
text: ねえ
dictionary: ね
- dictionary: ~
text: "、"
- pos: noun
text: あい
dictionary: 愛
- pos: particle
text: を
- pos: verb
text: さけぶ
dictionary: 叫ぶ
- pos: particle
text: の
- pos: particle
text: なら
- - - pos: noun
text: あたし
dictionary: 私-1
- pos: particle
text: は
- pos: noun
text: ここ
dictionary: 此処
- pos: particle
text: に
- pos: verb
text: いる
dictionary: 居る
- pos: particle
text: よ
- - - pos: noun
text: ことば
dictionary: 言葉
- pos: particle
text: が
- pos: verb
text: ありあまれ
dictionary: 有り余る
- pos: particle
text: ど
- pos: adverb
text: なお
dictionary: 尚
- dictionary: ~
text: "、"
- - - pos: adjective
text: この
dictionary: 此の
- pos: noun
text: ゆめ
dictionary: 夢
- pos: particle
text: は
- pos: verb
text: つづいて
dictionary: 続く
- pos: verb
text: く
dictionary: 行く
- - - pos: noun
text: あたし
dictionary: 私-1
- pos: particle
text: が
- pos: noun
text: あい
dictionary: 愛
- pos: particle
text: を
- pos: verb
text: かたる
dictionary: 語る
- pos: particle
text: の
- pos: particle
text: なら
- - - pos: adjective
text: その
dictionary: 其の
- pos: noun
text: すべて
dictionary: 全て
- pos: particle
text: は
- pos: adjective
text: この
dictionary: 此の
- pos: noun
text: うた
dictionary: 歌
- pos: verb
text: だ
- - - pos: noun
text: だれも
dictionary: 誰も
- pos: verb
text: しらない
dictionary: 知る
- pos: adjective
text: この
dictionary: 此の
- pos: noun
text: ものがたり
dictionary: 物語
- - - pos: adverb
text: また
dictionary: 又
- pos: verb
text: くちずさんで
dictionary: 口ずさむ
- pos: verb
text: しまった
dictionary: 仕舞う
- pos: adjective
text: みたい
- pos: verb
text: だ
- Hey, if youre gonna scream about your love
- Ill be right here
- Words may be excessive, but,
- This dream continues on
- If I was to express my love
- That everything is this song.
- That story unknown to all,
- It seems Ive gone and hummed it once again.
date: 2022-12-13
This week's challenge is from the lyrics of *Unknown Mother-Goose* ([YouTube](
{{< youtube P_CSdxSGfaA >}}
Translation by Forgetfulsubs via [Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki](アンウン・マザーグース_(Unknown_Mother_Goose))
*This challenge was suggested by **yuunagi** using the `-h suggest` command.*