--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 何: なん - 度: ど - pos: noun text: - 目: め - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 気: き - 持: も - ち - pos: phrase text: だろう - - - pos: noun text: ここ dictionary: 此処 - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: ある dictionary: 在る - pos: noun text: - 温: ぬく - もり - pos: particle text: は - - - pos: noun text: - 間: ま - 違: ちが - い - pos: particle text: でも - pos: phrase text: - 構: かま - わない - dictionary: ~ text: "、" - pos: noun text: - 傍: そば dictionary: 側 - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: いる dictionary: 居る - pos: noun text: こと dictionary: 事 - - - pos: noun text: - 涙: なみだ - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 音: おと - pos: noun text: - ため - 息: いき - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 色: いろ - - - pos: noun text: - 今: いま - dictionary: ~ text: "、" - pos: verb text: - 確: たし - かめる - pos: noun text: - 現: げん - 在: ざい - 地: ち english: - How many times have I felt this way? - I don't care if this warmth I'm feeling - is an error, I want to be close to you - Now, the sound of tears, the color of sighs - tell me where you are song: english: and i'm home youtube: 5kz1c1bvKMQ translation: author: ONKC-Central site: name: Lyrics Translate link: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/and-im-home-and-im-home.html date: 2024-11-26 ---