--- japanese: - - - pos: adjective text: この dictionary: 此の - pos: noun text: - 時: とき - pos: adverb text: ぎらぎら - pos: particle text: と - pos: noun text: - 眼: め dictionary: 目 - pos: particle text: が - pos: verb text: - 眩: くら - む - pos: phrase text: ように dictionary: 様に - pos: noun text: - 鏡: かがみ - pos: particle text: が - pos: verb text: - 光: ひか - った dictionary: 光る - text: 。 dictionary: ~ - - - pos: noun text: - 曲: まが - 玉: たま dictionary: 勾玉 - pos: particle text: が - pos: adverb text: じゃらじゃら dictionary: ジャラジャラ - pos: particle text: と - pos: verb text: - 鳴: な - る - text: 。 dictionary: ~ - - - pos: noun text: - 男: おとこ - pos: particle text: は - pos: noun text: - 口: くち - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 中: なか - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: - 籠: こ - り - 勝: が - ち dictionary: 籠もる - pos: particle text: な - text: 、 dictionary: ~ - pos: noun text: - 力: ちから - pos: particle text: の - pos: verb text: - 入: はい - った dictionary: 入る-1 - pos: noun text: - 声: こえ - pos: particle text: で - text: 、 dictionary: ~ - - text: 「 dictionary: ~ - pos: noun text: - 六: ろっ - 根: こん - 清: しょう - 浄: じょう - pos: noun text: - 々: 六根清浄 dictionary: 六根清浄 - pos: noun text: - 々: 六根清浄 dictionary: 六根清浄 - text: 」 dictionary: ~ - pos: particle text: と - pos: verb text: いった dictionary: 言う english: - At this time, the mirror shone blindingly at us. - | The [magatama beads](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magatama) clinked against each other as we trudged. - | "Heave ho, heave ho, heave ho," the man bellowed, his voice slightly muffled from fatigue. date: 2021-03-22 ---