--- japanese: - - - dictionary: ~ text: Stop the season in the sun - - - pos: noun text: - 心: こころ - pos: verb text: - 潤: うるお - して dictionary: 潤す - pos: verb text: くれ dictionary: 呉れる - - - pos: noun text: いつ dictionary: 何時 - pos: particle text: まで dictionary: 迄 - pos: particle text: も - pos: adjective text: この dictionary: 此の - pos: noun text: まま dictionary: 儘 - pos: particle text: で - - - pos: verb text: い dictionary: 居る - pos: verb text: たい - pos: particle text: の - pos: particle text: さ - - - dictionary: ~ text: Stop the season, you're my dream - - - pos: verb text: - 過: す - ぎないで - pos: noun text: - 南: みなみ - 風: かぜ - - - pos: adjective text: やるせない dictionary: 遣る瀬無い - pos: noun text: - 想: おも - い - dictionary: ~ text: " " - dictionary: ~ text: feel so blue date: 2023-01-03 --- This week's challenge is from *The Season In The Sun*'s lyrics ([YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjoloGGcjfM)): {{< youtube hjoloGGcjfM >}} *This challenge was suggested by **terviesreee** using the `-h suggest` command.*