--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 陽: かげ - 炎: ろう - pos: particle text: や - pos: noun text: - 今日: きょう - pos: particle text: など dictionary: 等 - pos: noun text: いつか dictionary: 何時か - pos: verb text: - 忘: わす - れて dictionary: 忘れる - pos: verb text: しまう dictionary: 仕舞う - pos: particle text: の - pos: phrase text: でしょう - dictionary: ~ text: "?" - - - pos: adjective text: - 苦: くる - しい - pos: particle text: の - dictionary: ~ text: " lu tu lu lu tu tu lu lu lu lu" - - - pos: adjective text: - 左: さ - 様: よう - な dictionary: 左様 - pos: adjective text: - 躊: た - 躇: めら - い - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 一: ひと - つ - pos: particle text: が - pos: noun text: - 愛: あい - pos: particle text: なら - pos: verb text: - 知: し - らない dictionary: 知る - pos: noun text: - 方: ほう dictionary: 方-1 - pos: particle text: が - pos: adjective text: - 増: ま - し - - - pos: noun text: - 栓: せん - pos: particle text: の - pos: adjective text: - 無: な - い - pos: noun text: こと dictionary: 事 - pos: particle text: だって - pos: verb text: - 聞: き - か dictionary: 聞く - pos: verb text: せて dictionary: 為せる - pos: particle text: もっと english: - Someday, we will also forget about the “heat haze” and this day, right? (with regret) - If that one hesitation is “love,” then I’d rather not know about it - Let me hear more of the “meaningless things” song: japanese: "[春]{はる}ひさぎ" english: Prostitution youtube: F3cXxqgbx9Y suggester: yuunagi date: 2024-01-23 ---