--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: どこ dictionary: 何処 - pos: particle text: から - pos: verb text: - 間: ま - 違: ちが - えた dictionary: 間違える - pos: particle text: ん - pos: phrase text: だろう - dictionary: ~ text: "?" - - - pos: noun text: - 孤: こ - 独: どく - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: - 飲: の - み - 込: こ - まれて dictionary: 飲み込む - pos: verb text: いく dictionary: 行く - - - pos: verb text: - 向: む - かう - pos: noun text: - 明日: ()(しょ) - pos: particle text: すら - pos: verb text: - 分: わ - から dictionary: 分かる - pos: verb text: ず - - - pos: verb text: - 走: はし - って dictionary: 走る - pos: particle text: は - pos: verb text: - 足: あ - 掻: が - いていた dictionary: 足掻く - - - dictionary: ~ text: Who wil pull me up? song: japanese: フォグ youtube: xrC6kq5bAzo suggester: モカ妹紅(MochaMoko) date: 2023-04-04 --- **Note:** In these lyrics,「[明]{あ}[日]{した}」is read as「[[場]{ば}[所]{しょ}](https://jisho.org/word/場所)」for more emphasis and nuance, which I've done my best representing as two layers of furigana. This is to add more nuance to the lyrics and is called [[義]{ぎ}[訓]{くん}](https://morg.systems/Gikun).