--- japanese: - - - pos: adjective text: - 高: たか - らか - pos: verb text: - 鳴: な - らせ dictionary: 鳴らす - - pos: adjective text: その dictionary: 其の - pos: noun text: - 心: しん - 臓: ぞう - pos: particle text: は - pos: noun text: - 最: さい - 後: ご - pos: particle text: の - - pos: noun text: - 一: ひと - 打: う - ち - pos: particle text: まで dictionary: 迄 - pos: noun text: - 君: きみ - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 物: もの - pos: verb text: だ - - - dictionary: ~ - - - pos: noun text: - 涙: なみだ - pos: noun text: - 涙: なみだ - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: verb text: - 溢: あふ - れる - pos: particle text: が - pos: adjective text: いい dictionary: 良い - - pos: verb text: - 降: ふ - る - pos: noun text: - 雫: しずく dictionary: 滴 - pos: particle text: が - pos: noun text: - 君: きみ - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 森: もり - pos: particle text: を - - pos: verb text: - 育: そだ - てる - pos: phrase text: だろう english: - Let your heart ring out boldly. That heart of yours belongs to you until its very last beat. - Tears, tears, let them overflow. The drops that fall will nurture your forest. song: japanese: エルフ english: Elf youtube: SbxR25brgoE date: 2025-01-28 ---