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Tegaki Tuesday


Latest challenge #{{< current >}}

Welcome to the Tegaki Tuesday website! Tegaki Tuesday is a weekly Japanese/English handwriting challenge that happens every, you guessed it, Tuesday. For each challenge, a short passage along with its translation is selected from a haiku, the lyrics of a song, or a passage from a book, and posted to this site. Then, it's your job to handwrite (either physically or on a graphics tablet) the challenge either in Japanese and/or English. Please do your target language first! ## How do I submit? Submissions are currently only accepted through [Discord](https://discord.com/) on the **#handwriting** channels of the following participating servers: - **[English-Japanese Language Exchange](https://discord.gg/japanese)** a.k.a. **EJLX** — This is the largest participating server, with over tens of thousands of members and an incredibly active handwriting community. - **[[日]{に}[本]{ほん}[語]{ご}と[英]{えい}[語]{ご} - JP & EN](https://discord.gg/2Tf75M9)** a.k.a. **日英** - **[Yudai La Piñata](https://discord.gg/5e5je2PXeq)** In the **#handwriting** channel of participating server, use the `-h submit` command along with an image attachment to submit. [字]{じ}ちゃん (Ji-chan) will automatically upload your submission to the website for you! (Please be patient, there may be a short delay before your submission is visible.) You can submit as many times as you want. For more information on [字]{じ}ちゃん commands, see the [command list](#command-list). ## Command list - `-h submit` Submit to the latest handwriting challenge. - `-h challenge` View the latest handwriting challenge info. - `-h leaderboard` ~~View the community leaderboard and challenge stats!~~ **(Coming back soon)** - `-h images` List the images in your current submission, if available - `-h imageDelete ` Delete images from your current submission using image numbers from `h images`. - `-h i ` Get category information and links to Jisho for character(s), along with with stroke a order diagram for single characters. - `-h so ` Get stroke order diagrams for character(s), maximum 4 - `-h jinmeiyo` Random [Jinmeiyō](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinmeiyō_kanji) kanji - `-h joyo` Random [Jōyō](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jōyō_kanji) kanji - `-h kyoiku ` Random [Kyōiku](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyōiku_kanji) kanji - `-h jlpt ` Random [JLPT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese-Language_Proficiency_Test) kanji - `-h hyogai ` Random [Hyōgai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyōgai_kanji) kanji ## Contact This site is operated by Elnu, who you can contact on Discord at [Elnu#2917](https://discord.com/users/441283734214279178). {{< secondary >}} # Getting started Handwriting tips & resources coming soon! {{< /secondary >}}