--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 裸足: はだし - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 感: かん - 触: しょく - pos: particle text: は - pos: noun text: - 夏: なつ - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 想: おも - い - 出: で dictionary: 思い出 - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 様: よう dictionary: 様-2 - pos: particle text: で - - - pos: noun text: - 曇: くも - り - 空: ぞら - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: verb text: - 浮: う - かぶ - pos: noun text: - 高: こう - 層: そう - 雲: うん - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 匂: にお - い - pos: particle text: が - - - pos: noun text: - 曖: あい - 昧: まい - pos: particle text: で - pos: adjective text: - 鮮: せん - 明: めい - な dictionary: 鮮明 - pos: noun text: - 記: き - 憶: おく - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 搔: か - き - 乱: みだ - して dictionary: 掻き乱す - - - pos: noun text: - 岩: いわ - 陰: かげ - pos: particle text: で - pos: verb text: - 休: やす dictionary: 休む - pos: verb text: もう dictionary: よう english: - The feel of my bare feet is like a summer memory. - Cloudy skies, the smell of high clouds floating above - stirring up vague and vivid memories. - I rest in the shade of a rock song: japanese: "それでも[雨]{あめ}は[降]{ふ}るんだね" youtube: HwGFMez_Tnc translation: author: makerfrombfdi site: name: Lyrics Translate link: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/tuyu-soredemo-ame-wa-furu-n-da-english date: 2024-04-16 ---