--- japanese: - - - pos: expression text: さぁさ dictionary: さあさあ - pos: noun text: - 手: て - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 叩: たた - い dictionary: 叩く - pos: verb text: たら - - - pos: verb text: - 舞: ま - って dictionary: 舞う - pos: verb text: マワって dictionary: 回る - pos: noun text: - 独: ひと - り - 舞: ぶ - 台: たい dictionary: 一人舞台 - - - pos: noun text: - 浮: うき - 世: よ dictionary: 浮き世 - pos: particle text: も - pos: noun text: - 鬼: おに - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 笑: わら - い - pos: particle text: も - pos: noun text: - 今: いま - pos: particle text: は - pos: verb text: - 忘: わす - れて dictionary: 忘れる - - - pos: noun text: - 季: き - 節: せつ - pos: particle text: は - pos: verb text: - 巡: めぐ - る - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: adjective text: - 我: わ - が - pos: noun text: - 世: よ - pos: noun text: - 誰: だれ - pos: particle text: ぞ - pos: noun text: - 常: つね dictionary: 常-1 - pos: phrase text: ならむ dictionary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroha - - - pos: noun text: - 憂: うれ - い dictionary: 憂い-1 - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: particle text: は - pos: particle text: もう - pos: adjective text: いー dictionary: 良い - pos: particle text: かい - dictionary: ~ text: "?" date: 2022-11-29 --- This week's challenge is from the lyrics of マイヒメ ([YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaK-Rdprtnw)): {{< youtube TaK-Rdprtnw >}} *This challenge was suggested by **猛火妹紅(MochaMoko)** using the `-h suggest` command.*