--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 手: て - 鏡: かがみ - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: - 映: うつ - した dictionary: 映す - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: noun text: - 今: いま  - pos: particle text: は - pos: noun text: - 昔: むかし - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 面: おも - 影: かげ - - - pos: noun text: - 君: きみ - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 想: おも - い dictionary: 思う - pos: particle text: ながら dictionary: 乍ら - dictionary: ~ text: " 「" - pos: noun text: - 花: はな - dictionary: ~ text: "」" - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 探: さが - す - pos: noun text: - 旅: たび - 路: じ - - - pos: verb text: - 止: と - まらない dictionary: 止まる - pos: noun text: - 時計: とけい - pos: particle text: に - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: verb text: - 過: す - ぎた dictionary: 過ぎる - pos: noun text: - 記: き - 憶: おく - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 重: かさ - ねて dictionary: 重ねる - - - pos: verb text: - 途: と - 切: ぎ - れた dictionary: 途切れる - pos: noun text: - 糸: いと - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 巻: ま - く - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: noun text: - 指: ゆび - pos: particle text: が - pos: noun text: - 追: つい - 憶: おく - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 描: えが - く english: - A vestige of once upon a time, being reflected in the hand mirror - Journey to find the "flowers" while thinking of you - Overlapping the passed memories on the unstoppable clock - My fingers winding a broken thread, draw recollections date: 2022-11-16 --- This week's challenge is from the lyrics of [祭]{さい}[果]{は}ての[花]{はな} ([YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zXMxTFAOYE)): {{< youtube 2zXMxTFAOYE >}} Translation by Sionnach MacSionnaigh via [lyricstranslate.com](https://lyricstranslate.com/en/saihate-no-hana-flowers-sai-hate-end-festival.html)