--- japanese: - - - pos: adverb text: もう - pos: verb text: - 撫: な - でられ dictionary: 撫でる - pos: particle text: ても - pos: adjective text: - 痒: かゆ - くない dictionary: 痒い - pos: particle text: よ - - - pos: adverb text: もう - pos: verb text: - 噛: か - み - 付: つ - い dictionary: 噛み付く - pos: particle text: ても - pos: adjective text: - 美味: うま - くない dictionary: 旨い - pos: particle text: よ - - - pos: noun text: - 嫉: しっ - 妬: と - pos: verb text: - 吐: は - き - 出: だ - し dictionary: 吐き出す - pos: verb text: ちゃう - pos: noun text: ジャックポット - - - pos: noun text: - 縫: ぬ - い - 目: め - pos: particle text: は - pos: noun text: デマ - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: noun text: それ dictionary: 其れ - pos: noun text: - 以: い - 上: じょう - pos: verb text: - 覗: のぞ - かないで dictionary: 覗く english: - It doesn’t itch if you touch me now - It’s not yummy if you bite me now - Jackpot that spits out jealousy - The stitches are fake, please don’t look any closer date: 2022-08-02 --- This week's challenge is from *Zombies*'s lyrics ([YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkBq2bYuvJI)): {{< youtube NkBq2bYuvJI >}} Translation from [Lyrical Nonsense](https://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/global/lyrics/deco27/zombies/).