--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 幽: ゆう - 霊: れい - 船: せん - pos: particle text: から - pos: verb text: - 飛: と - び - 降: お - りって dictionary: 飛び下りる - - pos: verb text: - 泳: およ - ぐ - pos: noun text: - 気: き - 力: りょく - pos: particle text: も - pos: verb text: なくなった dictionary: 無くなる - pos: noun text: - 世: せ - 界: かい - pos: particle text: で - - - pos: verb text: - 夢: ゆめ - 見: み - てる dictionary: 夢見る - pos: phrase text: みたいだ english: - I jumped off a ghost ship. - | In a world where I no longer have the strength to swim - I feel like I'm dreaming. date: 2021-08-03 --- This week's challenge is from [幽]{ゆう}[霊]{れい}[船]{せん}'s lyrics ([Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/26rc6CftOqNgqOeDwHoW5g)): {{< spotify type="track" id="26rc6CftOqNgqOeDwHoW5g" >}}