--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 雲: くも - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 向: む - こう - dictionary: ~ text: 、 - pos: noun text: - 送: そう - 電: でん - 線: せん - dictionary: ~ text: 、 - - - pos: adverb text: - 限: かぎ - りなく dictionary: 限り無く - dictionary: ~ text: 、 - pos: adjective text: - 青: あお - い - pos: noun text: - 情: じょう - 景: けい - dictionary: ~ text: 。 - - - pos: noun text: - 陽: かげ - 炎: ろう - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: - 霞: かす - む - pos: noun text: - 廃: はい - 線: せん - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 上: うえ - pos: particle text: を - dictionary: ~ text: 、 - - - pos: adverb text: ふと dictionary: 不図 - pos: verb text: - 横: よこ - 切: ぎ - る - pos: noun text: - 涼: すず - 風: かぜ - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 匂: にお - い - dictionary: ~ text: 。 english: - Beyond the clouds, we saw power lines - and a boundless blue, blue scene. - Suddenly, I smelt a cool breeze crossing - over the dead tracks blurred by heat haze. song: japanese: "ただ[一]{いち}[度]{ど}とないあの[夏]{なつ}へ" youtube: D0HvoG7PbR4 # Official(?) translation from YouTube subtitles. suggester: 猛火妹紅(MochaMoko) date: 2022-07-19 ---