--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 十: とお - pos: adverb text: - "  ": " あまり " dictionary: 余り - pos: noun text: - 二: ふたつ - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: noun text: - 今日: きょう - pos: verb text: - 超: こ - えて dictionary: 越える - - - pos: phrase text: - 果: は - ては - pos: noun text: - 夢: ゆめ - pos: particle text: か - pos: noun text: - 幻: まぼろし - pos: particle text: か - - - pos: phrase text: さあさ dictionary: さあさあ - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: noun text: - 今: こ - 宵: よい - pos: particle text: お dictionary: 御 - pos: verb text: - 聞: き - かせ - pos: verb text: - 給: たま - う - pos: particle text: の - pos: particle text: は - - - pos: noun text: - 修: しゅ - 羅: ら - pos: particle text: と - pos: verb text: - 散: ち - る - pos: noun text: - 物: もの - 語: がたり english: - When I get past twelve, days over today - What will the end be a dream? or an illusion - Come now, tonight I will let you know - Of a story that went down with a fight song: japanese: "[拍]{はく}[手]{しゅ}[喝]{かっ}[采]{さい}[歌]{うた}[合]{あわせ}" youtube: iQjGbVi7hpU translation: author: Falco1470 site: name: JpopAsia link: https://www.jpopasia.com/supercell/lyrics/207768/zigaexperientia/hakushu-kassai-utaawase-拍手喝采歌合/ suggester: Communist_Mania date: 2022-12-27 ---