--- japanese: - - - pos: noun text: - 悲: かな - しみ - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: - 暮: く - れて dictionary: 暮れる - dictionary: ~ text: "、" - pos: noun text: あなた dictionary: 貴方-1 - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 涙: なみだ - pos: particle text: が - pos: verb text: - 溢: こぼ - れる dictionary: 零れる - pos: noun text: - 時: とき - - - pos: noun text: - 寂: さび - しさ - pos: particle text: に - pos: verb text: - 溢: あぶ - れた dictionary: 溢れる - pos: noun text: - 心: こころ - pos: particle text: が - pos: verb text: - 萎: しぼ - んで dictionary: 萎む - pos: verb text: く dictionary: 行く - pos: noun text: - 時: とき - - - pos: noun text: - 名: な - 前: まえ - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 呼: よ - ぶ - pos: particle text: よ - dictionary: ~ text: " " - pos: noun text: あなた dictionary: 貴方-1 - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 名: な  - 前: まえ - pos: particle text: を - - - pos: noun text: - 僕: ぼく - pos: particle text: の - pos: noun text: - 名: な - 前: まえ - pos: particle text: を - pos: verb text: - 呼: よ - んで dictionary: 呼ぶ - pos: verb text: くれた dictionary: 呉れる - pos: adjective text: みたい - pos: particle text: に english: - When you cry out in pain when the sadness becomes too heavy - When your heart sways from being overflown with so much loneliness - I’ll call it out, your name, that is - Just like how you called out my name song: japanese: "[名]{な}[前]{まえ}を[呼]{よ}ぶよ" youtube: -g6MYL5lOZs translation: author: fkuwano site: name: lyricstranslate.com link: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/名前を呼ぶよ-i’ll-call-out-your-name.html suggester: spiritualheartbeat date: 2023-09-19 ---