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115 lines
2.5 KiB

- - - pos: noun
text: わたし
dictionary: 私
- pos: particle
text: って
- pos: noun
- 失: しっ
- 敗: ぱい
- 作: さく
- pos: particle
text: だって
- pos: particle
text: さ
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: particle
text: って
- pos: verb
text: いらない
dictionary: 要る
- pos: noun
- 子: こ
- pos: adverb
text: なんだって
dictionary: 何だって
- dictionary: ~
text: "…"
- - - pos: noun
- 何: なに
- pos: verb
text: やっ
dictionary: 遣る
- pos: particle
text: たって
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: verb
- 頑: がん
- 張: ば
dictionary: 頑張る
- pos: particle
text: たって
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: noun
text: ダメ
dictionary: 駄目
- pos: particle
text: らしい
- pos: particle
text: や
- - - pos: noun
- 愛: あい
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: noun
- 愛: あい
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: verb
- 愛: あい
- されたくて
dictionary: 愛す
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: verb
- 偽: いつわ
- って
dictionary: 偽る
- - - pos: adverb
text: もっと
- pos: adverb
text: もっと
- pos: noun
- 笑: え
- 顔: がお
- pos: particle
text: で
- dictionary: ~
text: " "
- pos: verb
text: いれ
dictionary: 居る
- pos: verb
text: ば
- pos: adjective
text: いい
dictionary: 良い
- pos: particle
text: かな
- dictionary: ~
text: "…"
- They all say that Ive become a failure They say that I'm unwanted…
- No matter what I do, even if I hang on, it seems like a waste
- Love, love, wanting to be loved, deceiving...
- Would it be alright if I keep smiling more and more?...
japanese: "[失]{しっ}[敗]{ぱい}[作]{さく}[少]{しょう}[女]{じょ}"
youtube: TXfJVNqaHiM
date: 2022-10-25